Sunday, December 11, 2011
Sometimes, occasionally, we get to see a miracle of nature.
Of course I live in a beautiful place. The mountain(s), the desert, all that. And I am in awe.
But today, just in a small pocket of time, we were granted a look into something other, a world we don't really understand. Nature in the raw.
We went on our Sunday threesome walk today. The standard one that ends, on its third leg, with a walk through a huge golf course. Hardly natural but still very nice.
As we turned the corner we saw geese. Then more geese, and after that a lot of geese. They covered the links from one end to the other.
Some were at rest. Others strutted along looking for what? In the grass. Bugs maybe.

Still others seemed to be talking with one another in small groups.
Clearly these were the wild geese. On their way for the winter. And they stopped here overnight or longer for a rest and a feed.
The few that live on the courses here do not have the wild duck charisma. A wave of energy passed over these guys. Beautiful.
And then, all that I knew about geese and their flight began to cross my mind. As though they were telling their story, a hard one, and I was listening. Some of what I heard I had never heard or felt before. A visceral knowledge.
John and I talked a bit about whether they know where they are.
I know that they do.
Not in the "I am here in Palm Springs having a great time, wish you were here" sense. But more that they are grounded where they are supposed to be right now and when it is time, they will know that they are to lift off for the next place and they will know where they are in that place. Just as they are supposed to.
I don't mean to make a big thing out of this but it is, in its own way, an awesome thing that they just know. A great wisdom.
And that this wisdom is in the flock. No one bird knows the whole thing but collectively they are of a mind that has transversed centuries of their coming and going.
If I can sit with that and ponder for just a little while that this world takes care of itself. Their world, my world. All I need to do is be where I am and then I will know where I am to go next. Others of me will tell me. It will arise within my self.
And so on.
Infinity approaches.
Well, enough of that. Back to normal life! (rim shot and out).
Labels: nature