Monday, November 14, 2011
Today both Barack Obama and John McCain in scolded the Republican debaters for their support of water boarding and its reinstatement if they were elected.
This is one of the few times that Obama has commented on the circus and, to his great credit, John McCain reiterated his stand against "enhanced interrogation".
McCain chides Republican candidates on 'torture'
That would be Bachman, Cain and, later, the ever flip flopping Romney.
For the most part, I am ignoring the debates and picking up little crumbs to mock and amaze myself at the performances.
That Mitt Romney now supports water boarding is shocking to me. He has long ago sold out and become the number one panderer of the primary campaigns.
A slick shit with a haircut who will tell you whatever you want to hear to get his sorry ass elected.
Labels: Republican primary