Tuesday, November 29, 2011
We are no Vegas. Lookie here:
New accuser claims affair with Herman Cain began in Palm SpringsI have pretty much stayed away from the GOPrimary because so much of it is repellant, either mendacious to the max or ignorant.
In an explosive allegation, a Georgia woman said Monday she and Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain had a 13-year extramarital affair that included meetings in Palm Springs and lasted nearly until the former businessman announced his candidacy for the White House several months ago.
But I have warmed up to Herman Cain sex stories and now, since my present home town is involved, I will have to take more of an interest.
Herman Cain is slick for sure. He keeps his particular scandals out of the campaign. They are "personal problems" to be handled by his lawyers. Smart to compartmentalize.
We here in Palm Springs do not mind being implicated if the whole "affair" can get him ink that blots out the other ones.
At least Cain has a sex life. Can all the others say the same?
Never vote for a neuter (Mitt) or a celibate (Santorum). Newt the Snoot has those three marriages to cite. Historical. Michelle B. has that big closet case Marcus or, rather, Marcus has Michelle as a beard. That is pretty clear. That is not sex but rather opportunism.
Honestly, I don't know the actual story about any of them. And I don't want to think about it very much.
Nice going Herman. You put some juice back into the campaigns. You may be a lying cheating son-of-a-bitch but you do it with a pretty straight face.

Labels: Republican primary