Friday, October 21, 2011
Last night Booker and I were on the last leg of our hour walk. It is cooler, so we are hiking out of the complex and into the countryside again.
Ahead of us were two young women. One had a sparkling tiara on her head.
I said "You must be the Homecoming Queen". I read the paper on line and had seen her picture.
She beamed and said she was but actually "a Homecoming Princess". She was quite beautiful and charming. A friend was with her and she was as pleased as the Princess to be recognized.
Fun. Nice kids.
The High School is on the other end of our walking range, east versus west. They were going home.
The sun was on that tiara and it sure sparkled.
Here she is in the local "paper".
Palm Spring High Kicks Off Homecoming.
I have tried to find out what else happens other than a big game this weekend. Alumni for sure. A dance? I should have asked but I was too awed by royalty and the tiara, I guess.
Booker was unimpressed.