Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I finished the 6 hour PBS documentary
which covers a full year of activity in and around the Big Apple Circus.
It is mostly backstage reinforced by the acts, the people in them, their inner and outer lives including the stars to the crews.
It is fascinating. There is so much material and so many people who are rather fully revealed that it is very hard to summarize so I will not even try.
The photography and editing are superb. I have the feeling that there was very little manipulation from the management. You pretty much see the good and bad, the beautiful and the kind of bad.
I have always loved the circus until I burned out of Ringling then the Cirques shows. Enough.
I have never been to see the Big Apple which now sets its tent up on City Hall Plaza in Boston just blocks from where we lived.
I am sorry about that.
But now feel as though I was there and then some.
I will give this whole round of tape, three discs, a 4 out of Netflix5.
Labels: films