
Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Sometimes when I look around our complex, I have to smile about the show that goes on.

Our pool, which I am not really using this year, had its temperature raised from 82 to 83 degrees F.

I just saw that in the HOA news/minutes which are posted on line. Home Owners Assn. Funny. One degree. They were trying to figure if it cost them more on gas. Are you kidding me?

There are a number of things like that. Diddling. But that is the HOA way and we knew that coming in.

We know enough to stay clear of it, pay our dues, elect the board members and reflect on micro-organizational behavior. There are significant cliques which we have not decoded, so we don't bitch and gossip with the neighbors about what "they" are doing. We might be talking to "them".

New rule for living in a smallish town that calls itself a city. Everybody is somebody's friend. Discretion.

This is the time of year for scalping. I have talked about this before.

All the lawns in the Coachella Valley are bermuda grass. Otherwise a weed, here it grows well in the summer but dies back in the winter. They scrape the earth and plant annual rye seed for the "winter". Dust, shit, corruption. Keep the doors shut until it is done. Two or three days minimum.

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