
Thursday, September 08, 2011


I am an old fan of using Freud to pick shit apart.

It is good for movies and novels, and as it turns out, politics.

I am not the only one to think so. This from Johnathon Chait.

Perry, stylistically, ruled the roost [in last night’s debate]. The media seems to consider Romney the winner. Pardon the condescension, but they’re not thinking like Republican base voters. Romney approaches every question as if he is in an actual debate, trying to provide the most intellectually compelling answer available, within the bounds of political expediency. Perry treats questions as interruptions. What scientists do you trust on climate change? I don’t want to risk the economy. Are you taking a radical position on social security? We can have reasons or we can have results. His total liberation from the constraints of reason give Perry a chance to represent the Republican id in a way Romney simply cannot match. […]
The id. Perry. Great. The ego is Romney? Maybe. Huntsman is the superego. The guide to what is right and wrong with the right.

Far fucking out.

I love it.

For those wanting a brush up on these terms go here.

The ego always has its hair combed. Romney.

Perry is all cowboy id. He struts. He pushes his chest out. He bounces on his feet and he is all appetite. Intellectual pursuits do not interest him. Galileo is a talking point someone gave to him. He had it upside down. Horse's ass but dangerous.

Huntsman? He is quite good actually and wants to do the right thing. Believe the scientists. Social Security is a benevolent institution and not really in danger.

But the Party wants none of that right now.


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