
Saturday, July 30, 2011


We all got up at 4AM this morning. Well, it is actually an hour after my normal time. I was sleeping in. No gym.

There was a whopper of a thunder storm and it had gotten too much like fireworks for Booker so he got the Dads up to help.

We did the stop gap.

Turn on the radios. The neighbors would not hear. The thunder made for the biggest noise.

We turned on all the lights. If you have lights on you see less lightning unless it is right over the house.

After a while of cowering we manned up and went outside where it had stopped raining. But soon resumed.

It is more OK to be out than in but you still can't pee. Everything is too buttoned down and snapped shut.

The air was wonderfully cool but wet.

So we came inside and just as we shut the door, a bolt and a boom went off right over our house.

Safe at the last moment.

Even food would not deter Booker from pacing. He doesn't whine. Just pace and wants to have a Dad pet him. Which we do.

But then, things quieted down and food was safe to eat and then more quiet and before we knew it all that was blasting was the Beethoven. We turned the FM off.

At 6AM we went for an abbreviated walk. The storm had not cleared the air. But it had sure dumped a lot of rain.

This is good for this time of year when things get awfully dirty. Gritty. Washed away now.

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