Wednesday, July 13, 2011
This has people riled.
Netflix Raises Price of DVD and Online Movies Package by 60%
But that isn't all the story.
Up until now, I was able to get five DVDs at a time and had unlimited streaming access for about 35 bucks a month.
Now that is a free lunch if you think about it.
I never ate it though. I am not interested in on-line films. I don't want the hassle. I like the discs. I can back up, leave the DVD in the machine with a long movie and, most of all, two of us can watch the film without cheating by giving John my access codes.
I come from a long line of copyright defenders and I will not violate anyone else's.
So, anyway. I checked the new prices. It turns out that withoutstreaming the price for DVD only has gone down.
Makes sense.
So, I promptly signed up for six discs at a time for 32 bucks, three dollars a month less. And more access to discs.
So. A bad deal is not always a bad deal. You have to read the fine print to find the good deals too.
Labels: films