
Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Today's film was Andrea Arnold's

Fish Tank (2010)

Much critical acclaim but not from me. Another nasty bottom of the barrel story of a teener in today's scurfy England. Much like a documentary, this young girl spews venom at everyone and, at the same time, wants everyone to love her.

We get to see things from a "real" perspective. Filthy apartments, teens out of control, Michael Fassbender in all his glory in to save the girl and, as I later found out, takes "advantage of" her. It is a high priced visit to the low lives.

There are no english subtitles so it is anyone's guess what half they are sayin' sometimes.

It is just one fucking thing after another and I shut it down after an hour.

I should have known. There were clues.

I did find one thing though. I am more amazed at social rot in the UK than when I see it anywhere else. What happened to the staid and proper?

Of course, we have been looking at this kind of film for a long time. The angry young men. the rockers and the skin heads and the rest. It is actually boring. Tiresome is more like it.

A full stop earns a 1 out of Netflix5.


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