Monday, June 20, 2011
Today's film was the documentary about the musician, singer and composer Bill Withers
This is a guy who I would like to know. In fact, to a certain extent, I do know him.
I identify completely with his decision to walk away from "the fame business" or the performing thing. What he calls "showing off".
Our circumstances and timing are entirely different but if anyone wants to know how and why I quit "working" this is it.
Plain and simple "it" wasn't in me any more and I wasn't going to push it and what is more I was fine with it and I am fine today.
I recently sat with someone my own age who is still at it. And I could see what wheels were turning. Not for me.
Withers is my age.
Despite his humble ways, he is still highly regarded and is active but under the radar. You see him with pals in and out of music. You hear some of his story.
His history as a stutterer makes a good framework to show how hard he worked and the humility and hard soul that he got out of working through it.
"Package some forgiveness" for the ones who laugh or smirk. Who don't get what your stutter is about.
I really like this idea.
He is filled with them. A wonderful man.
I loved this film. I was happy to be in his presence. The documentary is well made but is haphazard and, at times, confusing. The focus changes. Withers transcends this but it is a fault of the film itself and he shouldn't have to bear that burden.
I had to read his bio to figure some things out.
I will give it a 3 out of Neflix5.
Labels: films