Monday, June 20, 2011
Not even titanium eyeglass frames.
I just put my glasses on and the bow broke off.
No problem really.
I popped my older set of glasses (also titanium) on my face and took off for the optician.
They are close by. Five minutes.

They were out to lunch!
It is summer in Palm Springs. Skeleton crews. Closings for "lunch". I had 15 minutes to wait. No point going home then turning around in three or four minutes.
It wasn't bad. It is hot as hell here today but that was OK. There was shade and that takes the sting out of any heat. I made a few phone calls.
They were a little late but I was first!
And they served me right up. Found a new frame just like the old one and put it together while I waited. Chit chat. Down home talk. Nice.
I was home within the hour.
And, because today's movie was relatively short, I had the time.
Great. Perfect. Synchronicity.