Tuesday, June 21, 2011
There has been another survey to show that kids aren't learning their history.
Does that mean they are dumber? That schools are going to hell?
The ever level headed Kevin Drum says no. It has always been thus.
A Historical Perspective on Historical Perspective
I am here to tell you that my parents were as dumb as posts when it came to history. How do I know? Because as a wise ass, I came home and brought stuff up from my own history courses.
But how about those? I probably know a lot more of history today because of reading contemporary news. Backward looks.
My education was very thin. No calculus. No AP courses. Pop science.
Just like everyone else.
So what is new? A test, a survey that reawakens the fear that somehow we are fucked up with education.
Don't get me wrong. It can always be better than it is. But it isn't as awful as everyone would like to make out.
We laugh at the Palins and Bachmans who so freely display their egregious ignorance but we aren't too far behind them.
Oh, and dates? Forget about it. 1492. 1776. 1812, Uhhh. Columbus right? The Declaration? Or the Constitution? And, well, the Overture.
I don't really know when WWI started and ended. It always seemed a waste of time to learn this stuff. Still does.
Labels: history