Sunday, June 26, 2011
There is a whole cadré of Republicans who want Jon Huntsman to be their white knight. Ride in and save the party from the wing nuts and the knuckle draggers.
I am afraid that their fantasy is just that.
And so does Politico who I haven't a lot of respect for but do heed their instincts.
Buzzkill: The problem with Jon Huntsman Hype
Never mind his limping first turn. The announcement that flopped. His own staff misspelling his name, the errors on the web site, arranging flights to New Hampshire for reporters that turned out to be for Saudi Arabia. Really.
That is inept staff work.
But he is achingly inept. He doesn't even show much energy.
What can he be thinking?
I mention this as he scrapes the bottom of the Iowa poll. He is not going to run there. Since when is that a good idea for a national candidate who wants to be taken seriously?
Last time, for the Democrats, it was central. Now, for the Republicans, it is being treated like a second rate tent show by some candidates with staffs who should know better.
Of course, Romney is not a shoo in and there could be excitement. Bachman? But to stay out of the fray is stupid. A sign of failure.
And Obama killed his chances some time ago with the China appointment.
One final thing, to pile on. I think that we could handle a President Barack, way strange, but somehow a President Jon is a bit too twee.
Labels: Republican primary