
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Today's Michael Haneke film was

Caché (Hidden) (2095)

with the estimable Daniel Auteuil, Juiette Binoche and Maurice Bénichu.

In this, Haneke plays with our ability to observe and find answers to unanswerable (maybe) questions.


I have seen this before and it is the reason I am looking at all of Haneke's films.

The story is riveting, the acting superb and shocking. The photography is pristine and the use of various media to "explain" doesn't so much as to implode one's idea of what is going on.

In parallel, we have the unfinished story of France and Algeria. The old and present tensions.

There is a clue in the Ebert review which is helpful but not in a way that makes anything obvious.

It is a 5 out of Netflix5.


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