
Monday, May 23, 2011


I wrote below about the skill with which Obama has laid out the negotiation parameters on the Israel / Palestine question.

Abe Foxman, head of the Anti Defamation League, among the most rabid of Israel supporters, understands Obama's approach even if Faux News and the right wingnuts do not. He supports the "Arab spring" approach.

Foxman Gets It

Foxman is a canny pro. He knows how the game works and how it does not. The Israeli's game has not been working. Obama has opened up a new gambit. A simple on really.

Let's start telling out loud what everyone knows in their hearts. The 1967 boundaries are the basic start with swaps to go along with the process. We must have two states. Period. Or this will never, ever end.

I think that solving this issue is one of the most important foreign affairs goals Obama has. Hillary Clinton has led the way as well.

No more shifting goal posts. Just get 'er done.

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