
Friday, April 29, 2011


When we moved here, there were a bunch od scrawny hibiscus bushes along the courtyard wall. We actually considered tearing them out but, mostly out of inertia and a feeling that tearing out stuff is a terrible waste, we decided to try feeding and regular watering.

It is a bit like a rescue animal. Tired, traumatized, hungry and wary, they responded very well to a "cure". Tender loving fertilizer, some careful pruning here and there and regular watering. There was an amateurish sprinkler setup but it didn't work very well. I pulled the plug and water them every day along with all the other newer stuff we put in the courtyard area.

The care has paid off. The hibiscus are blooming extravagantly and with plate sized blooms. Well, saucer sized ones. That is sort of a plate.

There is even an old, gnarly bush in the back which is only in sun for 6 months. It was shaded out by a grapefruit tree, messy, and so I trimmed that back and it took awhile but the old guy is beginning to show some life especially since the sun has come up to him with regular full day coverage.

The blossoms on a hibiscus plant only bloom for one day but each stem has up to six and more buds. They only appear on the ends of new growth. That is why pruning needs to be regular and in a way that will keep the new growth on the outside. A kind of random prune every six weeks or so.

We have red, pink and gold. Very nice.

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