Monday, March 21, 2011
This is funny and, if you are a J. D. Salinger buff, interesting. It has a tid-bit about Salinger's famous ability to smoke out any form of exploitation of his name or reputation and quash it. He wanted no memorials if he could help it.
J. D. Salinger Slept Here (Just Don’t Tell Anyone)
I think that it is interesting that no one here reads Salinger much anymore.
I can understand that. He is a hard nut to crack for many people.
It is hard for many folks, young or old, to get beyond Catcher in the Rye and even that fails to register with many as more than a story about a boy walking through New York City after he has been expelled from school.
Me? It all hit me like a ton of bricks. Or books.
I am Holden, I am walking New York streets and I have been expelled from hallowed halls. No more of those for me. I share his general contempt for the world and for himself. But I also revel and exalt in his spirit which will, after he fesses up to his family, lead him to a brilliant set of experiences which are his alone.
I don't buy that he is suicidal or any other goddam theory about what will happen next. He is where he is and is. That is enough.
Later, I joined the Glass family and I still belong to it. I can pick up Franny and Zooey, turn a page, and I am home. The home that I wanted for myself and have found.
People are bothered by Salinger's zen like writing and life. Not me. I get it.
Kids today need a different sound in their head. The memory of Seymour Glass' life and times, his thoughts for others, would not suffice. Maybe.
Actually, if you even try to compare Dave Eggers with J. D. Salinger, you must have your head at least partly up your ass. I like Eggers too but not that way.
Try this voice, below.
More "odd" strivings for humility.