Thursday, March 24, 2011
Have I said anything about Libya?
No. I don't think so.
Democracy for America, (as if there isn't any), a lefty organization that I support, sometimes, emailed to see if I thought they should take a stand on Libya and what it should be.
I told them that I thought that it was not an issue that was in their portfolio, so "no", they shouldn't take a stand. They are domestic, this is foreign.
But if they did take a position, it should be in support of President Obama, our Commander in Chief, who was participating as a part of our membership in the UN and NATO and not as a unilateral bomber.
Obviously, he is exercising influence over the moves that are taken but, really, if anyone is pushing it is Sarkozy which is right as Libya is historically of major French interest.
Colonial interest, but still.
And I am still there. I think that he is doing pretty well and, if we can believe the unidentified sources at a high level, and I think we can with the Obamas who do stay on message, this will be short and brutal for the dictator and then we are out and NATO takes over.
Of course, we are not without influence in either the UN or NATO so I suppose we could say that we could veto and restrain and all that.
But Libya was given a very long leash by the previous administration and basically abused the situation. They are the perps of Lockerbee. Bush took them off the terrorist list but the country is still a haven for terrorists and Ghaddafi even warned he would turn them loose on us if we intervened.
I say we should go to it and give 'em hell and what for and do it as cleanly as possible and get out. And that is what I think Obama is doing.
Is it moral and right to do this? Fuck, I don't know. They are in a state of rebellion. He is kicking his own people's ass. Is it our business? Sort of. We have interests there. But primarily it is the interest of the UN which is designed to look at this kind of thing and they did. So be it.

Labels: Administration Obama, United Nations