Friday, February 18, 2011

Today was cleaning day. Every Friday morning.
It takes about an hour and a half.
John does the dries and I do the wets.
In the old house, we had help. We hadn't done our own house cleaning since we rented an interim apartment in Boston 13 years ago. That was only for a year.
About six moths ago, after a few weeks of coughing and tearing up, I started to look for some healthier option for cleaning products.
I reported, at the time, that I had found the method cleaning products.
I started with the kitchen sink. Comet had given me a rash and smelled like a swimming pool.
The method alternative smells good, has no chlorine and works really well. Today there were a lot of burnish marks in the sink and they all removed pretty quickly.
I moved on to the bath and tile cleaner which smells like the sink cleaner. I can't tell how it does because the tile and tubs and sinks are always clean looking. The results seem to last.
Then I moved on to the toilet cleaner. Same smell. Just like the Lysol nozzle thing that you shoot in upside down. Cleans like a bastard. No scouring and with our water there was always a scum to scrub with a scotchpad thing.
And on and on. The no-smell general cleaner, the hard floor cleaner that you spritz on and then mop, I do that by hand. I like the almond smelling wood cleaner although it is a bit spotty at times, they are wetpads. We have converted in the dishwasher and the laundry as well.
Crazy huh?
It is rare that I find something so reliably good across the entire product line.
The house smell is a good one. There are no "bad" ingredients to go into the sewer and I don't tear or cough any more.
I now use the sea salt bath gel for my showers. I even use it on my hair such as it is.
This is not an ad for method. Or really a testimonial.You can order on line but we get ours at which has hefty regular shopper rebates and discounts.
There. Done. Thanks to method, I am a happy homemaker.
Oh. They have funny slogans too. The starter bundle says "cleans like a mother". Nice.
Labels: housekeeping