Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I have finally finished Keith Richards' autobiography (with help from a friend, James Fox)
And life it is. Vibrant and quite frank in its survey of Richards' years in and out of the Rolling Stones
I am not a Stone's fan. Never was and never will be.
In that respect I had to sit tight while he goes through the ins and outs of writing and producing the music although the process is fascinating.
I am a Keith fan. From the first that I saw him. I always stared at him. I read about his non-musical exploits, many, it turns out, exaggerated or mistaken. The truth is actually more fun.
He is honest. He is sincere. He is reflective. He is a great writer even though it funnels through his friend the the person comes through.
It is impossible for him to tell his story without telling his story as an addict.
He does not recommend it.
And he does not romanticize it. It was a hell of a life, literally. And his recovery is pretty clear.
What I liked was the spirit. Some of the stories were a bit boring. But not the energy with which he tells them.
I am quite surprised at the candor with which he talks about his relationship with Jagger. Quite rocky at times. Quite critical. Since I don't like Mick Jagger at all, can't abide him and his prancing around, I enjoyed this part.
I liked the musicians and the hanging out.
This book was my toilet reading for quite a spell. A little every day. I didn't want it to end.
But he is still carrying on in a more quiet, older man kind of way. Perhaps there will be another one bio.
I am testament to the fact that you do not have to like or even understand or even care for the Stones to love Richards. He is a pirate. Long may he sail.
Labels: book, books, fun. music