Sunday, February 27, 2011
Today's film was Don Roos's wonderful comedy
How could it have been 20 years since this was made?
Well, it is. And it is still fresh.
Christina Ricci is the bad girl and Lisa Kudrow the uptight good both mixing it up with gay men where they don't belong. Any of them.
There is a lot that happens in this break neck film. A lot of great lines. Very nice gay story.
I have seen it several times. It always surprises.
It doesn't hurt that some of it was shot in Palm Springs very near our old house. The Royal Sun Inn.
If you haven't seen this you should give it a definite try. It will mark you for life and, like me, you will be driven back to watch it, yet again, every two years or so.
I gave it a 5 out of Netflix5 at the beginning and would do so again if this was the first time I had seen it.
Labels: films