Monday, January 31, 2011
Today's film was
This is a film about a slice of the great playwright's life which gets turned into a play. Well, there, I let it out of the bag.
You only need to hear the name Tartuffe in the real life segment to see that it is raw material for a play.
I got this because I am a fan of Romain Duris and have rented a couple of his films just to watch him.
But beyond that, this is a delightful light comedy which, at times, stretches credulity but then that is the nature of comedy.
It also has romance.
I liked it a lot. More than I expected to.
Duris in a costume flick is as effective as Duris in modern dress or undress. Not much of that here however.
I would not mind seeing it again. It was very nicely done.
I will give it a 4 out of Netflix5.

Labels: films