Friday, January 28, 2011
The first meeting of the Senate Tea Party Caucus on Thursday attracted just four senators — out of 47 GOP members — willing to describe themselves as members. The event was as notable for who wasn't there as who was. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), once a tea party favorite, has for now declined to join the caucus, whose first meeting was organized by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). Sen. Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican whose campaign sprung from the small-government movement, has said he's unsure if he'll join. Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) showed up to address the group of activists, but then hustled out of the room, ignoring reporters' questions about whether he was in or out.Well, why not.
Some comment.
There are two ways to look at this.
One is to exhibit a bit of schadenfreude but I will eschew that as I just finished emailing with a friend who is inclined towards tea and I want to keep some comity going.
The other way and more common visionish, is that this is the typical reaction of professional politicians. Use, pander to, lie to win over and then, after election, abandon.
This is an old story in the Democratic Party.
Senators are institutions among themselves. The Senate is a collection of fiefdoms. They are a black hole of self interest for the most part.
Gay people know this. All the happy horseshit at election time and then foot dragging once elected.
Welcome to the party, Teas. Mark Rubio? A member of the club already.

Labels: Democrats, politics, tea party