Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I have given it 24 hours. The news that Joe Leiberman will not run again. The sorry bastard.
I have been a long anti-fan of the Senator who has never let a moment pass without grandstanding his piety or his obnoxious attitude. A world class back stabber. I do not allow the C-word in the blog but it would go right here.
I was working on a suitable item for the blog but I found this at Bill in Exile. A blog that is NSFW or much of anything else but hot opinions on a narrow range of subjects. But he has Joe to a tee.
SO LONG ASSHOLE:I couldn't have said it better.Holy Joe Lieberman, The Last Honest Man, has announced this morning that he will retire from the United States Senate when his term expires in 2012.
Joe Lieberman is a duplicitous weasel of the very first order and his work on getting DADT repealed, although admirable, does not in any way make up for the twenty years worth of offenses he’s perpetrated while in office.
It takes a lot for a politician to be loathed by both Democrats and republicans, but that’s Joe in a nutshell and its why he decided not to run for a fifth term.
Because basically everyone in his home state of Connecticut fucking hates him.
From his incredible sanctimony, to endorsing John McCain for president, to opposing a public option in the health care reform bill simply because doing so pissed off Liberals, Joe Lieberman rarely passed up an opportunity to act like an asshole.
So long Joe, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, you fucking scumbag.
He is a prick. But, let's not go ad hominem.
And let's be polite.
Thank you Joe for being the stalking horse for a lot of resentment we have had for the blue-doggers and DIROs that will now be more exposed for the hypocrisy in the coming years. Do you hear me Ben Nelson?
They are no longer "better than that fuck Joe Leiberman". They will now have to stand on their own.

Labels: Democrats