Friday, December 17, 2010
Well, here we are. Winter in the desert.
A week of clouds and showers and temps in the 60s at day. 50s at night when there is cloud cover. 40s when it clears. At night. There is a reason we get it all in the day time but I forget.
This is the result of a battery of wet weather coming off the Pacific. Not all of it will get over the mountains but some will. We had some showers today.
The people on the coast are getting hammered. And will, for the foreseeable future.
Yah. I know. Where you are is cold as a witches tit, either male or female witch to be PC about it. Or both, this being a witch.
But you are used to it. We are not.
Here is the impact. I am out of business at the pool. The water (It is heated) is warmer than the air but you have to get out sometime. No sunning in between dips.
On walks with Booker, the rain is quite indeterminate. You can look to the mountains to see showers coming but that is no help in the immediate vicinity. Wait until a good time if you can find one or just say "fuck it" and take an umbrella and make amends to your dog for dragging him out.
There are other bad things. What? I don't know. It is depressing. We only have 38 days a year without sun but they count the five minutes we had this morning as sunny. It doesn't just close in here. It has patches of sun and clear weather. Last evening the stars were very clear. Last night.
See the blue in this picture? And the clouds down to street level? And the rain. We get it all in one package.

This will last, oh, about a month. Sometime in January, the barrage of storms will slow and stop as the jet stream moves north and we get less off the water. By the first of February I will at the pool daily again and I won't be apologizing to Booker.
A friend came down from his perch up in Idyllwild. He moved there permanently. We call him "Heidi". He says they had snow but none now. That is some consolation. We haven't seen snow for a few years when we went up for Christmas dinner. That was before we had Franklin. A few years? Jeez. That would be seven or eight.
Maybe this year. It is cold enough. I haven't looked up there (12,000 feet and down to 6000) to see.
We will get in the car, drive up. Run around. Let Booker feel the snow between the toes to prove it was a good move to get out of Reno even though it wasn't his choice. Then come back down to our cold but unsnowing desert.
That is it on the weather front.
Happy Holidays.