Wednesday, November 17, 2010
You might imagine that I don't spend a lot of attention to the details of straight sex in the movies.
You would be imagining wrong.
The thing about straight sex is that there is always a man in the scene. We homo-folks are old hands at selecting out what we want to see from what we, well, just would rather not.
Most of the sexy images that go around today are with both genders. We watch half of the action and fill in the rest with our imagination.
I was surprised in today's movie, The Good Guy (2009) to see the couple use a condom. I never, ever, see this. Never. Ever.
Straight people in film do not have safe sex. They couple without the protection that any healthy person who wants to stay healthy should have. I don't mean in long term marriages. I mean in hooking up.
All the way from James Bond to the most delicate love story, modern heterosexual couples fuck without protection.
But not today. As they moved together, nude, on the bed, in closeup, the woman reached over to the night stand and, hands out of sight, removed the condom wrapper.
She then put it on her guy for the night and then they proceeded. There was even a small joke when he said "wrong end" as she tried to roll it on.
I gasped. What is going on here? It was not a very big deal. It passed in a moment.
Well, this is an indie film. Maybe they didn't get the memo about keeping sex so fantasy like that condoms and other safeties are not needed.
Good for these people. They are doing the right thing.