Tuesday, November 09, 2010
It is amusing to see that the atheists are proselytizing.
Atheist Groups Promote a Holiday Message: Join Us
What next?
A holiday?
Particular holiday decorations.
Meetings? Ceremony?
Someone to lead the meeting and to say a few words?
People love to organize and recruit others, no doubt about it.
I know. It is nice to gather with others who have the same views.
If they want a bishop type thing. There are a few people turning out books who are likely candidates.
I like the way that people emulate the very people that they are critical of.
Of course, they do not think that they are proselytizing. Or any of the rest.
It is easy to see how, in this time of hyper-religiosity it makes some sense to gather together even if for mutual protection. Those jesus people are pretty fervid about what is right and wrong. Smiting is just around the corner.
But this seems to be more than gathering to me. It is fine but don't be hypocrites about it.