Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The last few, well maybe six or seven, trips to the grocery store have had the feel of increasing prices about them.
For a long while, a year or two maybe, the apparent cost at the checkout had declined. I could see it. Feel it.
Now it is going the other way.
I hadn't seen it at first. For a variety of reasons, I have been paying cash at the checkout so I don't have a specific record of the data, but now that I am back on the charge card, I can see it.
We don't alter the purchases much at all. If anything, I tend to go for brand items and look for, here and there, without a lot of agonizing, make choices that take advantage of bargains. But not much. So it is on the same items over and over.
Now, it looks as though I am right.
Rumblings of inflation grow louder
I had read that world markets were causing some shortages of basic commodities like corn which affects many, many items in the store.
This article is more comprehensive.
Pressure from stockholders is a big one.
As the economy improves, this is going to be more and more important.
I can't wait.
Just what we needed. Another club to drive the effective incomes of people down.
We are OK. I don't like spending more for food and basics. But it won't kill me. And I am one for whom better corporate profits could have a good effect.
It is people at the margins that will be hurt. the profits ain't worth it.