Thursday, November 18, 2010
This is good. Timothy Egan writes about the advent or third coming of Jerry Brown to our Governor's mansion.
The title is a bit of mockery but the article is not. It admires Brown and his stuff.
Actually, when he was Governor before, he didn't live in the mansion. He had an apartment and a mattress.
I like the part where it says so many people want to mock us as Egan does but they still come here in droves not only to visit, but to live. Still! With all this madness going on.
I don't want to replay the election but isn't it a bit mad that Meg Whitman spent all that money on her campaign? Pissed it down the drain? If there was any message in that at all, it was that she would probably piss our money down the drain too just like Arnie.
Egan does not mention the one unmentionable word in California. Taxes.
Arnold came in and, based on a shallow campaign promise, cut the cost of vehicle registration in the state. That sent a message. The wrong one.
Now they can't get it back and no politician has the backbone to say the truth which is that we need that and we need to add to the present income taxes. To say nothing of repealing Prop 2 1/2 which puts a ceiling on property taxes, only 2.5 % rise a year allowed.
And so on.
I have a lot of optimism about Brown's ability to get taxpayer backing for an increase. And a lot of other things.
If he is nothing else, he is the anti-Arnold and we really need that just now.
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