Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Booker is having a hard time today.
There has been rumbly thunder off and on since this morning.
And he does not like it.
All the prideful independence is gone, temporarily, and he becomes a daddy's boy.
In a way it is nice and, in another, it is annoying.
I find that I still have a part of me that says "get over it". I suppose I did this with my kids too. And others. And myself.
But it is not likely that he is going to get over it and he needs us now.
He has found that the bathtubs offer some solace. He is not interested in our carpeted closet which is actually the most silent part of the house. Probably because we are not there and also because he is still performing his duties as the watchdog and helper in the kitchen.
We had decided that we will take him away for a road trip the night of fireworks next July. But this is here and now and there is no "away" from thunder.
He is quiet now. The panting and pacing have stopped. The skies are silent.