Thursday, October 21, 2010
This explains why, despite our protestations and angst, Obama cannot withdraw from the DADT suit and must defend the law. The canard that he can just stop defending it has hurt him badly with gays who are basically misinformed about how "it" works. I mean the government. The Constitution.
Do we really want a president, any president say like George Bush, just not enforce or defend laws they don't believe in? I think not.

Walter Dellinger is a long time soldier in the cause. As he points out that there is no simple solution to this by Obama, no mythical stroke of the pen, despite our biased beliefs. But, there is a way out.
How to Really End ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
Of course, I am not sure that Dellinger is right. It seems like just another version of what he cannot do which is to usurp the powers of Congress and the Judiciary.
But, what do I know? I am just a struggling seeker of human rights.
Labels: Administration Obama, gay military, gay rights