
Friday, October 22, 2010

For 7.8 Million Californians, an Earthquake Drill

We failed the basic test.

We didn't even hear about this.


So, we are somewhere wandering the desert just now wondering what hit us.

Somehow, we failed to be communicated with. Or to communicate.

If this had been the 8.0 they said was possible for us the other day, we wouldn't have heard about it either.

So maybe that is a more realistic test. Or ours was. No one knew nothing until it hit.

I am ready. We have three days of water if you count the swimming pool. We have enough food unless the power goes out.

I tried once to put one of those emergency kits together. After about a year they are past date and you have to renew them at 500 bucks a throw.

I have renewed my membership to the old people's center up the street. I guess we will go there. Along with all the other helpless geezers.

Actually, we keep a few thousand in cash in the safe and the car gassed up. We will strike out for the east or north or wherever the traffic jam allows us.

Or not.

Another thing. The "go under the desk or something" thing is useless. Like duck and cover in in the Fifties.

Go under a desk when you see a flash.

Shit, if you see the flash or feel the tremor it takes a second or two to get it and then the desk is going to be on the other side of the house.

This has happened on too numerous occasions for me to feel at all confident I would go the right place in time for "big one".

I don't even make it there for the little ones.

I am usually trying to get to Booker who is having a harder time than me. And if I had listened to his barking and known what it was about, I would have more time to get under the desk if I could find it.

I'm just saying.


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