
Saturday, September 18, 2010


Today's movie was the documentary

Tales From the Script (2009)

in which up to 50, they say, film writers talk about their craft and the process of selling and seeing a movie come to pass.

One insight that really hit home with me was that a film writer is the only writer who has his or her work cut to pieces and reassembled by someone else.

By this she meant the method of filming pieces predicated more on scene and location and then taking all those scenes and putting them back together in a coherent whole.

By that time the writer has left the scene completely although another writer learned acting and actually has appeared in a number of his own films. He studied acting to get more of a feel of the actor's view of things but ended up in the cast.

This movie is also cut up into bits and reassembled. The writers appear and reappear in different sections devoted to some aspect of the business. Each section is illustrated with a scene from an actual movie about movie writing. Some of them are hilarious. My favorite is Joan Cusack as a producer with Alec Baldwin in a film called The Last Shot.

It was fun and a bit longish. A good movie for anyone with an interest in movies to see. There are some big league people with some really minor league strugglers.

I will give it a 3 out of Netflix5.

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