
Friday, August 27, 2010


As we enter the period of high mendacity, it is good to see that the ranting and grunting from the other side is, once again, devoid of any fact base.

A Big Surprise: Troubled Assets Garner Rewards

Like the other "bailout" programs, this one is also going to pay the government back in "profit". The money will go back into Uncle Sam's hat, not just pour out.

The "aginners" are constantly cut off at the pass by the facts and the real life outcomes.

When the Boner gets up and spews his ill conceived "opposition", don't expect any acknowledgment of this or any other of the many successes the Obamas have launched.

Did you know that the Affordable Health Care plan is already beginning to reduce the deficit while supplying more access to the health care system.

If not you won't hear it from the GOoPers or their mouthpieces.


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