Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Speaking of downtime, I am reverting to an old practice that I began when we moved here to Palm Springs 13 years ago.
This latest move has gotten going back to first principles. Well some of them.
I am spending 20 minutes in the sun at the pool every day.
Ten minutes a side for the sun and a backstroke swim up and down the pool before, during and after the 20.
I am getting my tan back and my natural Vitamin D but, more importantly, I am getting down time. Quiet.
No one is at the pool or if there is/are, they are as quiet as I am. There can be some social time if necessary but that is not the point.

Sun. Quiet. Light exercise.
There is something about being "near" the sun, too. Engulfed by its light and heat. Universal. Like I could hold it or, perhaps, that it is holding me.
We are in a heat wave for three days. Emergency warnings. 115 degrees.
I still go out.
It is all relative. The only danger is the hot metal on the lounges.
Today I discovered that if I lie down closer to the bushes, I get a spray of water from the sprinkler for a few minutes. Nice.
Labels: meditation, pool, quiet