Saturday, August 14, 2010
"Democrats don't know how to celebrate" says Christopher Dodd, retiring Senator from Connecticut.
No Reveling for Democrats, Despite Achievements
After one of the most prolific sessions in American history, Democrats, well some of them, are still glum about what did not get achieved.
It makes me want to puke.
On the other hand, I will stand by for the results to pour in if not in November than in the General.
The "No" party will find their bucket empty.
But that is not the point. It is not a political issue.
It is a social accomplishment.
It is a point of frustration to Democrats that much of the public seems unimpressed by the litany of legislation signed into law in the first two years of President Obama’s term: the $787 billion stimulus package, an anti-age-discrimination law, long-sought tobacco regulation, expanded community service, credit card consumer protection, the landmark health care law, Pentagon contracting changes, Wall Street regulation, tax cuts, credits and more.Even some leading Republicans find the first two Obama years amazing in their productivity.Except for a climate change bill, the Obama administration and Congressional Democrats have followed through on the agenda laid out at the beginning of the 111th Congress in January 2009 despite concerted Republican opposition. The victories were wrenching, partisan and procedurally ugly, but they were victories.
But people are tired of their fight. They need a vacation.
But there is more work to be done.
No rest for the weary.