Monday, August 30, 2010
Today's movie was the concert documentary
The White Stripes: Under Great White Northern Lights
I saw this because I don't know much about the White Stripes and also because it got a high rating from reviewers in Movie Review Intellignence
Actually, not a lot of people reviewed it.
I accomplished the first objective. Now I know what the White Stripes, a brother and sister rock act, do. But I don't know much about who they are or what they are up to besides playing mostly covers of classic rock and blues songs. Quiet and loud.
It is interesting to watch the sibling dynamics. Frankly, they don't seem too healthy. I am not sure what to make of it.
Sis is very quiet. Almost pathologically quiet yet plays the drums.
Bro is the guitarist and singer most of the time, Sis doesn't really carry a tune that well. Bro talks, Sis is quiet. Such a low affect that they have to give her subtitles. Fascinating.
They both have bad hair. Hers is obviously parted to have half of it in her face half the time. His? Well, it isn't about the hair it is about the music but they are rather bizarre in the looks department so it is not unfair to talk about it. There are clearly decisions that have been made here.
The tour that is filmed is a Canadian big and small venue tour with stops at small clubs and setups in every town they visit.
The film is in black and white and red. The Stripe's colors.
I don't know.
I liked some of it and found a lot of it boring and a bit trite. If there is a lot of electricity, the film makers didn't capture it.
On re-reading, I realize that most of the reviews were from rock not movie critics. I will be careful in future.
I skipped the last number.
That makes it a 2 out of Netflix5.
Labels: films