Saturday, July 17, 2010
Charles Blow on Obama's prospects:
The president has yet to jolt the economy into recovery, he’s made some unpopular decisions and circumstances have not always favored him. But a presidency is a never-ending series of choices. Seasons change, winds switch directions, bad times don’t last always.In November, voters will blow off some steam, and the dust will settle. Obama will have survived it all, and not in as bad a position as many claim. As another ABC News/Washington Post poll released on Tuesday said: "The president’s solace may be his comparison to Ronald Reagan — the last president to take office in the midst of a recessionary gale. In an ABC/Post poll at about his year-and-a-half mark, and with unemployment then at 9.8 percent, Reagan’s approval rating was 49-47 percent — almost precisely the same as Obama’s now." Reagan went on to a second term and to become the gold standard of the G.O.P.
Soon Obama should get a magnificent gift: the beginning of Republican jockeying to challenge him in 2012. The list of current suspects is littered with characters, including Palin, the Tea Party Princess. A Gallup report released on Friday found that Palin is the "best known and most positively rated of five possible contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination." That alone speaks volumes about the vacuousness of the Republican Party. Palin is all cheer and no leader.
A magnificent gift. The GOoPer primary. I can't wait. Palin and Newt and Mitt and Huck and all the gang. All after each other!
Labels: Administration Obama