Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I went to the eye doctor last week and he gave me a new prescription.
I decided not to wait too long to get it filled and so, today, I got my new glasses.
A revelation.
I hadn't realized how far "behind" I was on my eyesight.
I also got the same progressive prescription in brown polarized sunglasses (Carrera) which not only look good but see good too.
The last sunglass prescription I got was only farsighted which was a mistake. I didn't use them as often and so did not get into the routine of putting them on and off with the regulars.
These are sooooo good, I think that they will work.
I got another comment this time about cataracts.
I have "lost a line" on the chart because of them in the left eye.
My sight is OK but I can, for the first time, feel a bit of the difference.
I am not afraid of the procedure. It is safe enough. I just don't want to get it if I don't need it.
My GP Doc says that a lot of people stabilize and don't progress very fast if at all and it is good to wait until it is really needed. But not too much needed.
I will try to find the fine line.
I hope I can see it coming.
Labels: health