Monday, July 26, 2010
Usually algae are a pain in the ass.
They are out there now, in my fountain, creating a scum that I will have to knock back with bleach which will, in turn, turn off the humming birds who like to drink there.
Algae is ubiquitous and thrives on less than perfect conditions.
It loves certain pollutants and will grow when other stuff falters.
So now, something positive for algae to do.

I sort of majored in microbiology when I went to school. Well, food processing with the microbes thrown in.
So I am interested in this.
The obvious problem is that algae is so un-dense that it would take a lot before you would have enough to get a good burn. For one thing, it takes a lot of water to get it going. And then it has to be suspended. It isn't like the corn thing which is inefficient enough.
It is interesting though. At this point, I think that anything that offers even a dim possiblity should get a shot at solving the CO2 problem. Algae eats CO2 incidentally.
Actually, it will probably be here long after we are.
Labels: ecology, global warming