
Sunday, July 18, 2010


Today's movie was Luc Besson's

B13 (2004)

This is a martial arts film with the difference that the action is based on parkour, the off the wall, over the fence, through the transom, out the window street gymnastics that have become so popular on YouTube. A good sequence of tricks, properly edited, is quite astounding. It is all in the editing, for as the stunts themselves are quite good, they need to be sewed together in a series of tricks to make them look incredible.

While flying into a toilet and through the drain may be rather impressive, it is far more impressive when you see the guy 20 feet in the air taking the jump and then snip hit the toilet and then snip see him come out the bottom and drop another 20 feet snip somersault and out a window in the same sequence.

I saw this before. It is pretty good actually. A lot of action much of it fatal and most of it parkour. There are two heroes in this although the main guy David Belle is the more spectacular. Mostly to look at.

I liked it enough to give it a 4 last time. This time, a 3 out of Netflix5.


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