Friday, July 23, 2010
The last of the paintings were hung yesterday.
Two young, strong friends came. They also have some carpentry skills.
They helped put up the big stuff. The big panels. Artwork on doors. Sam Earle.
This is the first time since Boston that we have properly displayed several works.
This is because our house didn't have the requisite high ceilings and this stuff wants to be high.
The new home has very high ceilings. Eleven feet! Clerestory windows. Great light.
The paintings look great. You can really see them.
The big "christ" painting especially.
I was a little worried about earthquake risk putting them up so high.
The guys made them very secure.
This is a real final step in getting moved in.
We feel very comfortable but this is putting the frosting on the cake so to speak.

Labels: art