Monday, May 31, 2010
Deadly Israeli Raid on Aid Flotilla Draws Condemnation
I have blogged before about how Israel skates when it comes to acts which can only be described as terrorism. They are just state sponsored.
They are inflicted on civilians for the benefit of power and control over the Arabs in their country and in the Palestinian state.
Killing is just the end of it. Daily acts of cruelty and oppression abound for most Palestinians who must cross the borders to work or, particularly, in the Gaza Strip where Jewish settlements are raised as pressure actions.
This is an old story for this blog. They attacked Lebanon mercilessly and got away with it. It just totally pisses me off that we support this kind of shit and have for decades.
They will probably get away with this also but the world's patience is growing thin.
How long or far can you stretch Jewish victimhood and the pain of the Holocaust's as justification for the worst kind of brutality and torture of the Palestinians. The daily humiliations. Do you think this kid is going to grow up loving his neighbors?
No wonder Hamas wants to retaliate.
Once again, religious righteousness kills.