Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Today's film was Adam Salky's
This unique teen age film is a convincing and heart filling exploration of growing up.
A trio of friends learn to be friends and take steps beyond friendship to test the waters sexually.
Beneath the bluster and masks are the true personalities. As they reveal themselves to one another they see themselves as they never did before.
Salky's hand is light an loving. This is not a genré teen film. These kids are actually innocents, loners, in the midst of a bunch of kids who could be in a regular teen film. They find each other and that, for now, is enough.

If I had these experiences as a teen I would have had a different life. I like the one that I have but it took a long time for the finding oneself part.
The actors are quite convincing and are very skillful in reducing their real age (twenties?) to teen level without becoming caricatures. It only took minutes to get over that they were a little too old to be kids. I am happy that these casting choices were made because I think it made for a much better film.
I liked this very much and would be happy to see it again. That makes it a 4 out of Netflix5.
Labels: films