Thursday, May 27, 2010
There are a torrent of "hits" on the MLS posting for the house and there is an agent who wants to jump the gun and look it over this afternoon.
I am cooking chili so the house smells good.
Back east it would be bread or apple pie.
It is all moving quickly. I have told the three "helpers" that we have, gardener, pool guy and housecleaner.
It was hard. But while this is not easy for them either we are not the first ones to move. In fact, the pool and gardener guys were here before we were. I am sure they will survive.
It is our intention to clean our own house. Something at least 90% of people in the world do. Why this causes us so much anxiety I am not sure. We did it for a year when we had the apartment in Boston.
What with agents visiting, making chili and handling the vendors, it has been a longish day.
I also pruned the roses and waxed emotional about saying goodbye to them but we are going to a place called The Rose Garden. I haven't seen it yet, but there must be some there. It doesn't count if I am not running the flower show though.
I also scraped off the suckers on the olive tree and finally said goodbye to the dried birds of paradise. Goodbye to that baby too. But I can start another one at the condo.
I started the right way though by working with another person on our Program.
Getting out of myself is a sure way of not dipping into the well of negativity.
I know. There isn't much negative in my life. But I am good at finding some if left to my own devices.