
Thursday, April 15, 2010


I am down with this:

Suck it, Tea Party: I love Tax Day

It is particularly galling to me that people in my own age group are acting like little children about their taxes.

We already pay an astoundingly low rate compared to other countries.

And yet many of the oldsters, all of whom are happy to be on, and even milk, Medicare, to say nothing of Social Security, are out their whining.

I said the other day that I was happy to pay up. Even when "they" were in there.

I sent my tax return in early this year. I paid some to the State.

I just sent my first quarterly prepayment for 2010.

Just in the way I was proud to serve in the military and proud to vote in every election I have had in my lifetime, I am proud to pay taxes in the best, not perfect, country in the world.

Roll out the bandwagon. Lift up the flag.

I am even happy to say that I pay these taxes to protect the rights of others to bitch and complain.


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