
Thursday, April 29, 2010


The Supremes showed their colors yesterday.

A bitter, divided, sectarian, politicized court caught in the culture wars.

Justices’ Ruling Blocks Cross Removal

I know where this cross is. I have seen it. It is butt ugly and, really, not much of a blight on the landscape. It is more of a cultural insult. A "fuck you" from the usual christist perps.

They have disguised the case as a matter of war memorializing. What it really is about is the integration of church and state and the imposition of a sectarian symbol in a publicly owned National Monument.


The thing here is the arguments. You have to read through them.

Alito's words about the sweep of crosses in graveyards is myopic. It fails to see that there are crescents and six sided stars and, surprisingly, many markers with no religious symbol on them at all.

If they were to see a limited view of the field then the "no affiliation" markers are the ones they should see.

Kennedy wrote it for the minority.

The minority rejected that view. “The cross is not a universal symbol of sacrifice,” he wrote in a dissent joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor. “It is the symbol of one particular sacrifice, and that sacrifice carries deeply significant meaning for those who adhere to the Christian faith.” ........NYT
Scalia is a piece of work. Almost anti-semitic. And angry to be caught at it.

These are the Bush Justices in their full flower right before, if we have the luck for it, being cut down to size again.

The photo is of the cross when it was covered after the last lower court rulings.

If you want to see what it looks like without the covering, Google it yourself.

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