Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I just finished compiling my tax data for my accountant to process.
It didn't take too long.
It gets simpler every year.
I suppose that I could do the returns myself but it would break tradition. Peter has been doing this for me for ten years or more. He is the longest serving accountant.
When I was in business we would fire the accountants and lawyers every five years. We didn't have that as a matter of policy. It just seemed that every one of them got sloppy after that time and, in a way, fired themselves.
But I have done well this time. Or, rather, he has done well this time.
I don't feel a lot of relief at having done the work. It is just like making sausages. Every year. Grind it out.
I am pretty good on my estimated taxes so I don't even sweat that anymore.
And one more thing.
It is an honor and a privilege to pay taxes.
With all the bitching and whining, I am happy to say that I do not resent a dollar paid. I didn't even resent paying when the other guy was in office.
We live in the greatest country in the world and whatever the complaints we may have between ourselves, I can say that I would rather be here than anywhere I have ever seen. I am proud to be an American and I am happy to do my part.

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