
Sunday, February 28, 2010


There don't seem to be as many home town moments in America as there used to be.

Maybe because we leave our home towns as soon as we can. Maybe because there is so much information pushed at us that we miss the little stories that mean so much. The ones about community.

I was very touched by this.

THIS LAND: For a Moment of Glory, Mastering a Million Details

The Olympian gold winner Hannah Kearney returns home to accolades from her townies.

I love that the story is not so much about Hannah but about the town that turned out for her.

It made me teary.

I live in a small city now. Well, 40,000 some people, half of whom are not here all year.

It ain't the same.

But I'm not the same either. I left my small town when I was 18 and I never went back.

Oh yes. I went home to visit my parents and a bare minimum of my extended family. But I was on my way. Busy. Headed in other directions all of which were labeled "away".

As far as possible.

But there are some kid memories of the community that still remain and feel good.

I found a lot of wonderful times in life "away" and I don't regret leaving but I can keep the small town memories green and be happy when I read about another small town that puts aside its differences for a little celebration of a once in a life time event.

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